PDF exploit

A number of web sites are talking about a vulnerability in PDF. So far I haven’t found an exact description; anyone who explained it in detail would get the blame for everyone who uses it for malicious purposes. But the idea seems simple enough that anyone with the necessary technical knowledge (including me) could work it out given a little time. Apparently it’s a means by which the user can be presented with a legitimate-looking dialog and tricked into approving the launching of arbitrary executable code. The exploit can be added to an existing PDF without changing its appearance. JavaScript isn’t required. The vulnerability is in the format specification, not in a software bug. This is the really nasty kind of vulnerability that designers have nightmares about.

Here’s an article on CNET on the issue. There seems to be substantive discussion of the root of the problem here. I’ve got to get to work now. I’ll post something more later.

Update: OK, it’s not so bad as it sounded. Here’s the real account, which doesn’t say exactly how to do it, but gives enough clues that it’s not too hard to figure out the rest.

As you might have guessed if you know PDF, it uses the PDF Launch Action. The PDF specification actually doesn’t mandate any safety features in the Launch Action; if you implemented a PDF reader that automatically launched anything a PDF document told you to, you’d be within the spec. But Adobe Reader, exercising normal common sense, prompts the user for permission to launch. The trick is just that the text which describes the application to be launched can be modified. The user still gets a stern warning not to launch anything untrusted.

This trick will doubtless catch some people, as even simpler tricks do (just saying “don’t worry, it’s safe” in the document itself will trick a rather large number of fools). But it isn’t really anything to get hugely worried about.

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